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LED T-bar lightings

LED T-bar lightings
本公司從四、五年前即開始朝綠色節能產業LED產品發展,近兩年多陸續發展開發出一系列的高功率LED光群組T-BAR燈產品,客戶反應均很不錯,客戶訂單陸續在增加中,市場潛力非常大。 本公司所開發之LED T-BAR燈具系列產品不但是高節能減碳(較傳統T8燈具之70%以上),同時其功率因素高(>90%)、散熱佳(<40℃)、壽命長(LED 50,000小時以上)、以及其他許多特點。

輕綱架T-Bar 燈具, 高功率SMD LED組成, 供應一系列產品. LED T-BAR燈具系列產品不但是高節能減碳(較傳統T8燈具之70%以上),同時其功率因素高(>90%)、散熱佳(<40℃)、壽命長(LED 50,000小時以上)、以及其他許多特點,目前此LED燈具系列之產品已取得台灣與大陸之專利,並且與國外客戶合作,正在申請加拿大、美國、及歐洲之專利當中。另外,敝司也正在進行CNS認證,也準備申請UL與ULC之認證。

We supplied all series product for T-Bar LED lighting application as 2'X2', 2'X4', and etc.....
1. Energy Saving:at least 70% less than that of traditional T8.
2. Less CO2:at least 70% less than that of traditional T8.
3. High Power Factor:Power factor >90%, less power loss.
4. High environmental friendly:Mercury-free
5. Excellent thermal performance:Low temperature(<40℃),saving the power
of air conditioning.
6. Long operation life:> 50,000 hours, 8~10 times of traditional T8.
7. Eye protection:100% no flicker, light can be adjusted to eyes with the soft,
comfortable, and clear CCT. No giddiness.
8. No harmful light:No UV or IR radiation.
9. High brightness:170° wide angle, luminous efficiency >60 lm/watt.
10. D I Y :Suspend or T-bar type, install easily and fast.
11. Patent:Approved by Taiwan and China. New designs on thermal
management with whole fixture, LED plug-in and easy change.
12. Custom-made:per customer request on size and power consumption
※ Application:Library, school, office, store, hospital, factory, and home.