產 品 分 類
經 營 模 式
  • 經營模式: 生產加工
  • 主營: 測試設備
產品價格(美元/US$) 所在地
中國 浙江省 杭州市
發佈日期:2011-12-09 有效期限:不限

光色電綜合測試系統 Send inquiry

製造商 杭州伏達光電技術有限公司


This system is designed for analyzing the photometry,colorimetry and electricity of LED, LED lamp,and LED 
phosphor, completely meets the test requirements of CIE for photometry and colo-rimetry.  All the testing is 
intellectually controlled by software, easy to operate. Self-correction and cal- ibration function makes the system
working at the best status. With  good repeatability and high accur-acy, the system takes the lead in domestic 
and among the most advanced in the world. Fixed in  19-inch standard cabinet, the whole system looks nice 
and is simple to use.