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  • 經營模式: 生產加工
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第一階段發展自己產品民國78年於台北以內銷、貿易起家,主要營業項目為汽車配件之進出口和代理, 80年代台灣產業大多外移西進導致利潤空間為之壓縮,因而決定自行開發新產品。


第二階段建立生產體系: 84年設立工廠轉型為製造業,並自行研發電動扳手,有眾多國內外的專利並於86年正式量產。


第三階段擴廠搬遷台南: 91年正式在台南營運產品以電子類汽車精品、數位式電動扳手及消費性電子產品為主。


第四階段自創品牌: 98年大產研發人文藝術燈具進攻LED燈具市場更實踐我們的願景「專作別人做不出來的東西」,追求更高難度的挑戰。99年以MAN2MAX自創品牌,以淚勵人心為訴求,希望人人都能成為達人。








Man2Max is a contemporary design lighting company which turns ideas into a bright reality. We are committed to provide the world endless possibilities of modern designs and new concepts. Innovation and creativity is what drives us forward and stay ahead. Man2Max first started about 5 years ago when resources were extremely limited. Thousands of hours of hard work were put in to this project and results weren’t immediate. We believe in our ideas and products and work even harder to overcome many obstacles and challenges. From ideas to drawing board to production, we take every detail very seriously and continue to improve. Before we know it, people are beginning to like our concepts and love our products. Today, we have over 300 different designs and numbers are growing daily. We revolutionized how people look at LED lights how they use it to make a greener world.


We hope to make the world a better place to live with less energy consumption and waste of materials. That is why we choose SMD LED as our light source for its long lasting property. Man2Max is a highly creative company and we only produce products that no other can produce. All of our lamps have a touching story and positive theme. We want our products to brighten your world and warm your heart.

Awards and Exhibitions

◎2013 Golden Pin Design Award
◎2013 Maison&Objet Pairs

◎2013 Interlight Moscow